Offerslook Blog

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What is EPC Marketing? Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate marketing is a big challenge to new marketers as it is full of strange lingo, acronyms, and abbreviations. If you are a newbie you can refer to our a…

30 Basic Affiliate Marketing Terms You Need to Know

When first starting off into the Internet marketing world and affiliate marketing in particular, it is easy to get lost with the overwhelming abbreviations and…

How to Find Affiliates to Promote Your Business [2021 Updated]

As a business owner, you are doing everything: creating products and services, building online stores, communicating with customers, etc. These sundry works ca…

Offerslook’s Powerful Solution to Test Offers: LinkinTest

As an ad manager working in an affiliate network, it must be a daily routine for you to test the tracking link, check if the traffic from affiliates is misdire…

Everything to Know Before Starting an Affiliate Program

When it comes to digital marketing, people used to think about email marketing, social commerce or display advertising. However, as affiliate marketing develop…

What Impact Will IOS14 Use Skadnetwork for Affiliate Network?

  1. What is SKadNetwork? 2. What challenges will happen from it? 3. How does Offerslook help users solve the core issues? 4. Thinking points about future …

About Offerslook’s creation in the first place

Offerslook is a SaaS platform that provides effect marketing advertising technology to help Internet effect advertising network companies in every region of th…

Offerslook Was Invited to Give a Speech on AWSome Day

  May 24th, AWS AWSome Day was hold in Guangzhou, China. AWSome Day is an ideal online conference for IT managers, business leaders, developers and archi…

Invite Your Friends and Earn up to 100 Dollars

Are you an advertiser? Network? Agency? Or you know some of them? Earn some money by telling your friends about Offerslook.  Get started by signing up free or…

Offerslook Enriches Geographical Targeting with Carrier Targeting

We are excited to introduce new update of our platform:   Carrier Targeting   By integrated with Digital Element’s, the leading IP geolocation pr…

3 Steps to Make Your Offers and Affiliates in Control

  Offerslook has a number of “smart” features that make it easier to perform certain tasks.   Smart Alert: Alert and deal the abnormal issues in r…

Features Update: Callback Support

  Callback Support   Postback is the most common way to pass conversions from one server to another. But you must submit or receive a postback url to p…