View-Through Attribution (Track Conversions Based on Impressions)
An impression is the very first user's interaction with an advertisement. Impression happens when a user sees an ad in the webpage. A click means that a user h…
Probabilistic Attribution (Receiving Postbacks Without Click ID)
The new privacy policy launched by Apple Inc. 2021, requires all apps to use the ATT framework and developers must first seek user consent before they could st…
The influence of iOS14.5-SkAdnetwork on Affiliate Network
Explanation of terms ATT: AppTrackingTransparency, App Tracking Transparency, mandatory pop-ups alert users whether to allow advertising, which means develope…
Smart Puller-Example API Formats for Different Platforms
NO. Platform Name Info 1 HasOffers UserName(NetworkID)roXXetXX7 ApiKey(Token):758ce5XXXXXX4482bf4a07e3e9628d 2 Cake CakeA…
Parameter Integration Process
In the entire offer promotion process, it includes three parts: advertisers, affiliate network(you) and affiliates. When the you integrate with advertisers and…
Introduction to Smart Puller
Main function:it allows you to automatic batch pull the offers from advertisers. ▲Before Starting If it's the first time you use smart puller, please go…
List of Offerslook Parameters for Integration
When you integrate with your advertisers or affiliates, you will encounter a set of parameters. These tracking parameters are optional tokens that can be added…